
Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2019

Monday May 13, 2019 - 2pm


Symposium Global Award for Sustainable Architecture™ 2019 with the conferences of the 5 laureates.

Lauréats Global Award 2019

Lauréats du Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2019 : Ersen Gürsel, Ammar Khammash, Jorge Lobos, Rozana Montiel, Werner Sobek.

Global award partners 2019

Global award partners 2019

Visitor information


7 avenue Albert de Mun

Paris 16e

Métro Iéna ou Trocadéro

Registration required, free entry within the limits of available places.

Suitcases of any size and large bags are now prohibited in the City.

Conférence traduite en français

Conference translated in english