Our Architectural Treasures audio guide invites you to discover the Museum thanks to a selection of master works. For an hour and a half, let’s go on a tour of France and witness the evolution of architecture since the Middle Ages.
From the most famous to the lesser known, the audio guide will take you on a unique, educational and poetic journey to discover the Cite's true architectural treasures.
Can be purchased online or at the museum. Smartphones are available for loan at the reception desk. Available in English, French and Chinese.
Smartphones are disinfected after each use. You can use your own headphones (via the headphone jack).

Cité de l'architecture et du patrimoine
1 place du Trocadéro et du 11 novembre, Paris 16e
Métro Trocadéro
5€ (+ admission ticket)
Time of visit: 1 hour 30 minutes
Wheelchair accessible.
Accessible to deaf people with implants (loan of magnetic loop on request at reception)